Art Deco

     Art Deco can be seen in nowadays theaters, Oscars, downtown Chicago, and hospitality design. Paul Frankl was one of the first Art Deco architect and furniture maker in the United States. He introduced the use of plywood. He used the skyscraper design/ staircase motif. Joseph Urban was really into the theatrical use or color and line. He was really big on set design in theaters, hotels, and dining rooms.
     The Radio was invented during this time period which helped carry the Art Deco into every American house. The cabinets of the radio would look Art Deco style. 
     Donald Desky used the strong geometric form, glass, chrome, leather, carpet, light fixtures and furniture. He designed the interior of the Radio City Music Hall in New York. He loved the shiny metal and geometric form. 
    The Rocketfeller Center was designed in Art Deco as well as the Chrysler Building in 1928. Many architects were pushing for prefabricated house design (bathroom and kitchen). 
     Lighting was being converted form oil and gas to electric. Art Deco lamps were very popular. The light fixtures were very out there and decorative because they were new to this time. 

                          Rocketfeller Building                                                     Chrysler Building




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